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The craft of birdwatching and the luck of finding American Golden Plovers on their journey to the south
The American Golden-Plover makes one of the longest migratory journeys. In an odyssey that begins in the Western Arctic of Alaska, it...

El oficio de mirar al cielo y la suerte de encontrar Chorlitos Dorados Americanos en su viaje hacia el sur
El chorlito dorado americano realiza uno de los viajes migratorios más largos que cualquier otra ave. En una odisea que inicia en el...

Coastal Biologist Lindsay Addison Tells Us How to #ShareTheShore—In the Nicest Way Possible
If shorebirds, including migratory ones like the American Golden-Plover, had their druthers, they’d probably prefer to rest, nest, roost,...

Lindsay Addison, bióloga especialista en ecosistemas costeros, explica cómo debemos compartir la costa por medio de #ShareTheShore
Si las aves playeras, inclusive las aves migratorias, como el chorlito dorado americano, pudieran elegir, probablemente optarían por...

Let’s Talk About Threats: Author Scott Weidensaul on Critical Migratory Bird Habitat
When American Golden-Plovers find themselves in the North Atlantic—having moved out of Alaska’s North Slope and through Boreal forests...

Hablemos de amenazas
Hablamos con Scott Weidensaul, naturalista, autor y experto en migración, sobre la conexión entre la importancia de la conservación del...

Special Update: Tagged Birds Heading Into Hurricane Season
Across the globe, migratory birds that breed in the northern hemisphere are embarking on their southward treks to warmer climates for the...

Actualización especial: Aves etiquetadas en vísperas de la temporada de huracanes
A lo largo del planeta, las aves migratorias que se reproducen en el hemisferio norte emprenden sus viajes durante el invierno hacia los...

A Conversation with James Fox and Dr. Christian Artuso
As our American Golden-Plovers friends continue their epic journeys southward, we find them flying across Canada. We talked with James...

Conversation avec James Fox et Christian Artuso, Ph. D. ...
... à propos du Projet de migration vers le sud du Pluvier bronzé. Alors que nos amis les pluviers bronzés poursuivent leur épique voyage...

Tullik’s Odyssey Continues into the Boreal Forest and Across Canada
An interview with Jeff Wells, Vice President of Boreal Conservation with National Audubon Society on the American Golden-Plover...

L’Odyssée de Tullik se poursuit dans la forêt boréale et d’un bout à l’autre du Canada
Un entretien avec Jeff Wells, vice-président de la conservation boréale à la National Audubon Society, sur le projet de migration vers le...

Rosemary Ahtuangaruak on the Importance of Migration Journeys
Dr. Rosemary Ahtuangaruak knows a thing or two about wildlife migration journeys. After all, she’s the mayor of Nuiqsut in North Slope...

Rick Lanctot wants you to know “what these birds are up against”
Rick Lanctot is the Shorebird Coordinator for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service–Alaska Region. He’s been working with Alaska wildlife...

Introducing Tullik’s Odyssey: An Interview with River Gates
Up to 39 countries. No, it’s not a Shakira world tour—it’s the American Golden-Plover’s migration journey. But while the species has been...
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